We can all get outside and spend a bit more time in nature. It’s quite likely one of the single best things we could do…
In today’s media we’re incresingly being told
It’s quite hard to emphasise
Yes, month-long backpacking trips and round-the-world cycles might be the target, but, for most people, they’re not possible all of the time. This doesn’t mean our need for nature is any less.
At the end of the day, we’re animals, and we need to be outside. Sometimes though, this is not so possible. It’s not always possible
Benefits of nature
Finding nature
Adding more nature
They say you don’t realise what you’ve got till it’s gone, but, whilst there are loads of things which prove that wrong – food for example – sometimes with nature, it couldn’t be truer.
Now the next leg of our cycle tour is on the horizon, we alternate between having a big trip one weekend and then a smaller day trip the following weekend. Though there are plenty of smaller portions of nature throughout the week, this is when we can really get outside and be immersed in adventure.
On Mondays, it’s time to write articles and this is the main day when creativity and focus are needed. Week after week, it’s absolutely mindblowing to see how much this is affected by the weekend’s antics.
After a weekend spent completely absorbed in beautiful natural settings and adventure, the energy carries through for the week. Sparks shoot from fingers into the keyboard and my mind flows with natural inspiration and energy. I sleep better, my whole body has more energy and I spring from bed with a lust for life.
That’s not to say people don’t appreciate nature at the time. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Move me from buildings and the indoor world to a natural place and watch my eyes light up. I think one of the most wholesome feelings to feel the elements of your and your senses filled by the natural world. It’s probably one of the most important things in the world. And I realised this, properly, after not being able to go outside for a whole week.
My inspiration for writing this post.
If you’re a regular ready at Veggie Vagabonds you’ll probably already know that Sarah and I spend a lot of time outside. Actually, our mission for 2020 is to simply make getting outside our No.1 priority. Now we’re preparing for the next leg of our cycle tour we’re trying to alternate weekends: one big, overnight trip and one smaller day trip. This is thrown together with lots of smaller doses of nature throughout the week, but it’s the weekend which means a complete absorption of beautiful nature.
Life is full of hidden corners and curveballs and things don’t always go according to plan. Due to bad weather one of our weekend adventures fell through
A little personal insight for you.
As a bit of pretext, which you’ll probably already know if you’re a regular reader at Veggie Vagabonds: Sarah and I spend a LOT of time outside. All the way from mountain climbing and bike touring to gentle walks and in the park and year-round picnics. It’s always at the forefront of our minds and our mission for 2020 is to simply make getting outside our 100% priority.
However, for Sarah and I, getting outside is slightly different.
For me, I NEED to get outside.
Intro – me getting ill, not having inspiration,
Benefits of getting outside
Finding your slice of nature